Community Gardens

Integrating one or more beehives into a community garden is a great opportunity for Councils to contribute to a sustainable and vibrant community.

A unique opportunity

Adelaide Bee Sanctuary provides a unique opportunity for community gardens across Adelaide to sponsor and integrate a beehive. This is a great way for Councils to contribute to a sustainable and vibrant community.

Adelaide Bee Sanctuary works in close partnership with Councils to suppport urban honey beehives in selected community spaces. These beehives are secured behind locked enclosures and are professionally managed by Adelaide Bee Sanctuary.

How does it work?

Adelaide Bee Sanctuary will provide the sponsor with a portion of honey from the sponsored beehive

  1. Adelaide Bee Sanctuary will work closely together with the local Council to make the community garden more sustainable by integrating pollinators (honeybees) into the concept of the garden. Based on our experience, we can help designing a plan for a safe and suitable location of beehives.
  2.  Adelaide Bee Sanctuary will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of beehive(s) and for keeping the inside of a provided enclosure secure and presentable.
  3. Adelaide Bee Sanctuary will provide the sponsor with a portion of honey from the sponsored beehive, which will be delivered free of charge.
  4. The sponsor may purchase additional honey from Adelaide Bee Sanctuary at a discounted price.


Please, contact us to discuss this amazing opportunity.

Our Services

Get in Touch

To contact Sabine please use one of the options below and she will be in touch with you.

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