
Adelaide Bee Sanctuary

Welcome to Adelaide Bee Sanctuary.

We are Jorg and Sabine –relocated from Perth – and took on the baton from Sandy to continue the good work of the beautiful Adelaide Bee Sanctuary, which Sandy established in 2015 because of her concern for honeybees and all pollinating insects.

The disappearance of bees is worrying, over the past century, bee populations have plummeted and some have even been labelled as endangered, leaving their ecosystems – and our food chains – at risk of collapse.

That is why, rescuing and relocating a bee swarm into a new home is one of our favourite things to do. We would love to partner with you to see more bees in our suburbs. Installing and managing beehives in private and public places is one of our key services we provide.

We install beehives in the Adelaide community as a way of connecting people to bees and to raise awareness of the importance of pollinating insects to our food security and eco-system. We work with local councils to change perceptions related to bees and their management within the urban environment.

You can help by supporting the rescue of bees at Adelaide Bee Sanctuary in many ways (see service links) as well as creating a bee-friendly garden without using any pesticides.

We look forward to building a colourful bee-community which respects the wonderful creation we live in.

Jorg & Sabine

Our Services

Get in Touch

To contact Sabine please use one of the options below and she will be in touch with you.